Public Library


Welcome to the Copperas Cove Public Library!

We are located in the heart of Copperas Cove next to the Central Fire Station at 501 S. Main Street. Come in to use our Internet terminals or our Wi-Fi connection, read to your children, catch up with current magazine or newspaper articles, borrow audio books on CD, or maybe even check out a book to read. You can research a pet project or a health concern or just relax and enjoy a good book in a comfortable setting.

In addition to borrowing books, CDs and DVDs, library card holders can download and borrow children’s books or current, popular e-books for teens and adults from the library’s collection. You can also search our licensed online databases of journal articles and other current information at work, home or in the library using the TexShare Databases. You will need to log in to your library account at Copperas Cove Biblionix Catalog to access the databases and then follow the “TexShare Databases” link on the left side of the page.

New books are always coming in so be sure to take a look at that section of shelves just to the left of the circulation desk when you visit the library, or review our new book list online.

Adult Programs

The library’s collection includes popular fiction and non-fiction books, graphic novels and large print works as well as videos on DVD and audio-book CDs. Books not in the inventory can be requested through Inter-Library Loan for a modest fee. Join us for the many special programs offered throughout the year, or take part in the Book Club. You are also always welcome to participate in the Friends of the Library activities or to volunteer in the library.

Children’s Programs

The children’s room in the library has a wide selection of books, audio-books on CD, and video on DVD. We also have a puppet theater and stuffed toys! We offer Toddler Time for ages 1-3 on Tuesdays at 10 am and Story Time for ages 3-5 on Thursdays at 10 am. Our Teen program for ages 11-18 meets on the third Thursday of each month at 4:30 pm with pizza, books and X-Box gaming. The annual Summer Reading program runs from mid-June into late July with special activities and performers in the library each week.

Library Card Instructions

The easiest way to get your Copperas Cove Public Library card is to visit the library and complete a card application.  You will need to bring both a photo id and proof of residence.  A military id will not serve because we are not allowed to copy it. If your government-issued photo id has your current address on it, it will serve both purposes.  If not, you can bring a lease, mortgage, or piece of mail that has both your name and address.

If you would like to apply for a card without coming to the library, you can print out, complete and sign a card application.  Then you can mail it in, or you can scan it or take a picture of it and e-mail the results to .  You will need to bring in both a photo id and proof of residence the next time you visit the library.

If you would prefer to sign up for your card over the phone, call 254-547-3826 and the library staff will set up your account.  You will need to sign an application and show both a photo id and proof of residence the next time you visit the library.


Kevin Marsh
Kevin MarshLibrary Director

Public Library
501 South Main St.
Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Ph: (254) 547-3826

Hours of Operation:
Fri & Sat-
Sunday- Closed