Solid Waste Brush & Bulk
The goal of the Solid Waste Brush and Bulk Division is to work as a team to provide customer friendly solid waste services in a safe and professional manner.
The Solid Waste Brush and Bulk Division provides twice monthly collection of yard waste in biodegradable Kraft bags, appliances, furniture and other bulky items which are too large to fit in trash containers. All items must be on the address side of the residence. By providing a means a disposing these items on a frequent and consistent schedule, neighborhood quality is maintained and improved, and illegal dumping is minimized. The creation and maintenance of a healthy, aesthetically pleasing environment will aid in the attraction and expansion of business.
What Do I Do With My Yard Waste?
Per City Ordinance no yard waste shall be allowed in the automated container. The objective is to reduce the quantities of yard waste requiring disposal at the Transfer Station. This material can either be left on lawns through “Don’t Bag It Programs” or managed through backyard composting projects. An additional option would be to place grass clippings and leaves in biodegradable Kraft bags. These bags are naturally biodegradable when composted and are available for purchase. Successful implementation of this program represents the most cost-effective way for the City to reduce waste quantities, as there is no disposal cost associated and it gives the much-needed material to the compost program.
Kraft Bags
Kraft bags must be placed on the address side of the residence on scheduled collection day and shall not weigh more than forty (40) pounds each.
Unlimited Kraft bags will be collected twice month per collection schedule.
Picking Up Large Household Items
The City will collect large household items such as TV’s, furniture, mattresses, box springs, etc., placed on the address side of the residence. This collection will be provided twice monthly on your scheduled collection day. The first 3 cubic yards are free of charge. Any amount over 3 cubic yards is charged at $7.89 per cubic yard.
Discarded Appliances and Bulk Metal
Appliances such as washers, dryers, hot water heaters, refrigerators, stoves and microwaves, will also be collected twice monthly on your scheduled collection day. Refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioning units must have all CFC’s removed by a licensed technician.**Please note that the U.S. EPA prohibits the disposal of “white goods” containing Freon. This service also has a $7.89 per cubic yard fee for amounts over 3 cubic yards associated with it. All items must be placed on the address side of the residence for collection.
Tires are not collected curbside. Tires that are off the rims and used on cars, motorcycles, large vans, mini-vans, and small pickup trucks can be taken to the Solid Waste Operational Center at 2605 S. FM 116. The fee per tire (up to 17″) is $3.38. The fee per tire of 18″ to 24.5″ is $7.89. The fee per tire 25″ and above is $22.55.
Paint Cans
Paint cans will be accepted for collection if the cans are empty or if they are dry with no wet residue remaining. If you have wet paint remaining in the can, it can be dried up with the use of kitty litter or sand. The dry paint container then can be accepted for collection.
Contractor Garbage/Trash
Materials resulting from work left by a contractor working for a homeowner cannot be collected.
Items not Collected Curbside:
• Asbestos items, sheetrock, roofing material, windows or plaster
• Auto parts or fluids, including motors, tires, doors, fenders, car seats, batteries, or used motor oil
• Bricks, concrete blocks, or ceramic tiles
• Dirt, sand, concrete, or rocks
• Floor coverings (except carpet/padding installed by the homeowner)
• Fuel/oil tanks or drums
• Marble or simulated marble countertop materials
• Propane or oxygen tanks
Things To Remember
Everything placed out for collection must be on the address side of the residence.
All yard waste, and bulky items shall not be placed at the curb any earlier than 8:00 P.M. the night before scheduled collection and no later than 7:00 a.m. the morning of said collection day.
Bulky trash and oversized brush shall not be placed out for collection in an alley but shall be placed at the front curb of property line or edge of street pavement.
No items should be placed out for collection under any overhead lines of any type or low overhanging branches and four (4) feet from any structure.
• Things to Remember When Placing Brush and Bulk Material Out for Collection