Solid Waste Recycling Program
The goal of the Solid Waste Recycling Program is to reduce and divert the amount of recyclable material that is disposed of in the landfill to a material recovery facility, thereby increasing the amount of material recycled and reused for the benefit of our environment. The Program achieves this goal by operating a single-stream, curb-side recycling program and offering various other recycling opportunities. Single-stream, curb-side recycling is provided to all residential customers every other week and is collected in the “green” 96-Gallon container.
Why Recycle?
Recycling reduces our reliance on landfills and incinerators, conserves our natural resources by reducing the need for raw materials used in new products, and protects our health and environment by removing harmful substances from the waste stream.
Single Stream Curbside Recycling:
The City of Copperas Cove provides curb-side recycling for every Residential Utility Customer that wishes to take part in the program, which is collected every other week (Please refer to the Solid Waste Recycling and Special Collection schedule for additional detail). Recyclables must be placed in the 96-gallon “green” container at the designated collection point (curb on the address side of the residence) by 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day.
Commercial Recycling:
Commercial Single-Stream Recycling for those Commercial Customers who participate in the Recycling Program will be picked up each Friday, unless another pickup time is coordinated with the City of Copperas Cove Solid Waste Recycling Division.
Recycling Drop-Off Site:
The Recycling Division also operates a free self-sort drop off recycling location at the City’s Solid Waste Transfer Station Complex, which provides residents an additional opportunity to recycle a variety of acceptable materials, including office paper, magazines, phone books, cardboard, aluminum cans, newspaper and plastics (Types #1-#2 only).
Additional Recycling drop off opportunities: Steel, Scrap Metal, Cooking Oil and Tires (See the City’s fee schedule for applicable tire disposal cost).
The Solid Waste Transfer Station Complex is located at 2605 S. FM 116, approximately two miles south of US Business 190. The Complex is open Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m., but is closed Saturdays and Sundays, with the exception of 4 or 5 special collection Saturdays per year.